Monday, April 30, 2012

Healing with Ten nebula

Ten Nebula (The Trillionairess) is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer. She creates works dedicated to The Great Mother Goddess and the light & love vibrations.

Ten Nebula Healing Space offers phone sessions, treatments, workshops, and trainings to help you to grow, heal, clear, expand and be happier. We also offer monthly specials, so check out our online calendar. We offer healng work to local and nationwide clients.

*Phone sessions
*Healing treatments
*Group workshops
*Group healings
*Private instruction

Visit for more details.
Private Treatments -
Workshops & Classes -


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Practice Karma Yoga Today & Support Ten Nebula's work.

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Contact Info
Email me for more info

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Quotes by Ten nebula

"Light runs tings" - Quote by Ten nebula

"Illusions may scream loudly but they are still illusions."
Quote By Ten nebula

Products by Ten nebula

Great & Exciting News!!!!!!!!

Upcoming products from Ten Nebula 
- New book on health, healing, & spirituality  ( 2020-2022)

- Music CD  (2023-2025)

- Holistic Healing Center ( 2025-2028)

Stay Tuned!!!!!

How May We Help You?

This site can help you to:

1. learn about the basics of yoga
2. learn about what is yoga
3. learn about the philosophy of yoga
4. learn about the benefits of yoga

Ten Nebula & Yoga

I am a practitioner of yoga.

I have been taking yoga for years, since I was right out of high school. It was one of the first steps towards me discovering my spirituality.

I have worked, volunteered, and done work exchanges at various yoga centers in different states. I have tried hatha, anusara, bikram and other forms of yoga. I have read some of the books and seen some of the videos.

Overall, I like yoga and what it does for me. I helps me to connect to my body and learn more about my truth. I find it very grounding.

This is why I have created this site.

Learn more about yoga and allow it to transform your life.

I hope you enjoy !!!!!!

Aspects of a Healthy, Balanced Life

In order to have rich and balanced lives, we must intend on living rich and balanced lives. It is a process and we must be willing to do the proper work. That work may consist of having clear intentions, following your intuition, letting go when needed, using nonattachment and taking the right action. We all have different kinds of lives but we all want to be happy and we all want to heal.

1. Spiritual & Body care
2. Home
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Personal Time
6. Money & Abundance
7. Higher Learning & Education
8. Romantic Relationships
9. Travel
10. Work & Career
11. Karma Yoga/Volunteering work/Tithing

12. Physical Body care


To learn more ways to live more balanced,

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient art form that was created in India that focused on physical postures, meditation, and chanting. Its purpose was originally to help one to achieve oneness and spiritually well-being.

What are "Asanas"?

Asanas are the actual physical poses that are done in yoga.

What are the Eight Limbs of Yoga?

Each limb relates to an aspect of achieving a healthy and fulfilling life, and each builds upon the one before it.

1. Yama:

Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards others:
Ahimsa: Nonviolence
Satya: Truthfulness
Asteya: Nonstealing
Brahmacharya: Nonlust
Aparigraha: Noncovetesness

2. Niyama:

Five ethical guidelines regarding moral behavior towards oneself:Saucha: Cleanliness
Santosa: Contentment
Tapas: Sustained practice
Svadhyaya: Self study
Isvara pranidhana: Surrender to God

3. Asana:

Practice of yoga postures.

4. Pranayama:

Practice of breathing exercises.

5. Pratyahara:

Withdrawal of the senses, meaning that the exterior world is not a distraction from the interior world within oneself.

6. Dharana:

Concentration, meaning the ability to focus on something uninterrupted by external or internal distractions.

7. Dhyana:

Meditation. Building upon Dharana, the concentration is no longer focused on a single thing but is all encompassing.

8. Samadhi:

Bliss. Building upon Dhyana, the transcendence of the self through meditation. The merging of the self with the universe. Sometimes translated as enlightenment.

(info from

What is "Karma yoga"?

It is the yoga of service.

To learn more about giving,
visit "The Sweetness of Giving"

What is "Jnana yoga"?

It is the yoga of knowledge, particularly self-knowledge

What is "Bhakti yoga"?

It is the yoga of devotion.


Yoga Breathing Exercises, which are called Pranayama in Sanskrit, may be done in association with yoga poses or just while sitting quietly.

There are three main types of pranayama:
  • purak (inhalation)
  • rechak (exhalation)
  • kumbhak (holding the breath); which is further divided into:
    • antara kumbhak (withholding the breath after inhalation)
    • bahar kumbhak (withholding the breath after exhalation)
    • keval kumbhak (spontaneous withholding of the breath)

* Alternate Nostril Breathing – Nadi Sodhana is a yoga pranayama that is balancing, relaxing, and calming.

Different Yoga Styles

Traditional Styles

These styles of yoga all originated in India. Though now popular worldwide, each of these styles follows a method developed by an Indian guru.
  • Ashtanga
  • Integral
  • Iyengar
  • Kripalu
  • Kundalini
  • Sivananda
  • Viniyoga

Contemporary Styles

These yoga styles all originated in the United States, although they are all based on traditional methods.
  • Anusara
  • Forrest
  • Hot Yoga/Bikram
  • Jivamukti
  • Moksha Yoga
  • Power Yoga
  • Restorative Yoga
  • Yin Yoga
  • Yoga Nidra


These styles all use a flowing style of practice, in which you move from one pose to another in sequence while focusing on the breath.
  • Vinyasa/Flow
  • Anusara
  • Ashtanga
  • Forrest
  • Jivamukti
  • Power Yoga

Alignment Oriented

These styles devote special attention to the precise way the body should be positioned in each yoga pose in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the pose and avoid injury.
  • Anusara
  • Iyengar
  • Viniyoga

Power Yoga

Fast-paced, sweaty yoga styles. These will get your heart pumping and are the most effective yoga styles for weight loss.
  • Power Yoga
  • Ashtanga

Prenatal and Family Yoga

Learn how to safely practice yoga during pregnancy and how to introduce yoga to your family.
  • Introduction to Prenatal Yoga
  • Postpartum Yoga
  • Mom and Baby Yoga
  • Kids Yoga
  • Yoga Advice for Men
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Yoga for the Whole Family

Adaptive Styles

These styles adapt yoga to fit the needs of specialized populations.
  • Viniyoga
  • Chair Yoga
  • Yoga for Seniors
  • Plus-Size Yoga
  • Christian Yoga
  • Laughter Yoga
  • Nude Yoga

Yoga Off The Mat

The newest trends in yoga take you off the mat for aerial and aquatic adventures.
  • AcroYoga
  • Stand-Up Paddle Yoga
  • AntiGravity Yoga

(Info from

Yoga Tools for Class

1. Comfy clothing
2. barefoot
3. water
4. yoga mat
5. straps
6. blocks
7. blankets

The "Don'ts" in a yoga class

  • have a big meal right before class. Try eating lightly a few hours before class starts.
  • drink water during class, but have some before and after.
  • wear shoes or socks during class.

The "Do's" in a yoga class

  • review yoga etiquette so you feel very comfortable entering an unfamiliar situation.
  • tell the teacher it's your first class (you probably won't be the only one).
  • ask the teacher for help if you need it.
  • look around and follow what other student are doing, especially if the teacher does not demonstrate every pose. However, keep in mind that you may be looking at more advanced students, so do not compare yourself to them.
  • familiarize yourself with some beginners' yoga poses before you take your first class.
  • come back in a few days for your next class!

What is the "Sun salutation"?

Surya Namaskar, the Sun Salutation, is a series of 12 postures performed in a single, graceful flow. 

Each movement is coordinated with the breath.
Inhale as you extend or stretch, and exhale as you fold or contract. The Sun Salutation builds strength and increases flexibility.
Different styles of yoga perform the Sun Saluation with their own variations.

This is a great series to do if you are just beginning yoga or want to create a daily yoga practice.

(Info from

Developing a Yoga Practice

You can develop a yoga practice
you can take a class as often as you want
everyday or once a week
you can attend a class
or you can do your yoga at home or in a park
you can do it by yourself
or in a group
You can do it for 15 minutes for 1 hour
You decide

What is a "Yogi"?

A Yogi is a practitioner of Yoga.

Meditation & Yoga

What is meditation?

Meditation is any form of a family of practices in which practitioners train their minds or self-induce a mode of consciousness to realize some benefit.
Meditation is generally an inwardly oriented, personal practice, which individuals do by themselves. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation. Meditation may involve invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.
There are dozens of specific styles of meditation practice; the word meditation may carry different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs.

(info from

The Goal of Meditation
The goal of yoga, or of the person practicing yoga, is the attainment of a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility while meditating on the Hindu concept of divinity or Brahman.

Learn more, visit "The Basics of Meditating" -

What is "Rāja Yoga"?

Raja Yoga is also known as royal yoga and it focuses on meditation and mental peace.

Benefits of Yoga

Physiological Benefits of Yoga

  • Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
  • Pulse rate decreases
  • Respiratory rate decreases
  • Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)
  • Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
  • EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)
  • EMG activity decreases
  • Cardiovascular efficiency increases
  • Respiratory efficiency increases
  • Gastrointestinal function normalizes
  • Endocrine function normalizes
  • Excretory functions improve
  • Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
  • Breath-holding time increases
  • Joint range of motion increase
  • Grip strength increases
  • Eye-hand coordination improves
  • Dexterity skills improve
  • Reaction time improves
  • Posture improves
  • Strength and resiliency increase
  • Endurance increases
  • Energy level increases
  • Weight normalizes
  • Sleep improves
  • Immunity increases
  • Pain decreases
  • Steadiness improves
  • Depth perception improves
  • Balance improves
  • Integrated functioning of body parts improves

Psychological Benefits of Yoga

  • Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
  • Mood improves and subjective well-being increases
  • Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
  • Social adjustment increases
  • Anxiety and Depression decrease
  • Hostility decreases
  • Concentration improves
  • Memory improves
  • Attention improves
  • Learning efficiency improves
  • Mood improves
  • Self-actualization increase
  • Social skills increases
  • Well-being increases
  • Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
  • Self-acceptance increase
  • Attention improves
  • Concentration improves
  • Memory improves
  • Learning efficiency improves
  • Symbol coding improves
  • Depth perception improves
  • Flicker fusion frequency improves

Biochemical Benefits of Yoga

  • Glucose decreases
  • Sodium decreases
  • Total cholesterol decreases
  • Triglycerides decrease
  • HDL cholesterol increases
  • LDL cholesterol decreases
  • VLDL cholesterol decreases
  • Cholinesterase increases
  • Catecholamines decrease
  • ATPase increases
  • Hematocrit increases
  • Hemoglobin increases
  • Lymphocyte count increases
  • Total white blood cell count decreases
  • Thyroxin increases
  • Vitamin C increases
  • Total serum protein increases

Yoga Health Benefits versus Exercise Benefits

  • Yoga Benefits
    • Parasympathetic Nervous System dominates
    • Subcortical regions of brain dominate
    • Slow dynamic and static movements
    • Normalization of muscle tone
    • Low risk of injuring muscles and ligaments
    • Low caloric consumption
    • Effort is minimized, relaxed
    • Energizing (breathing is natural or controlled)
    • Balanced activity of opposing muscle groups
    • Noncompetitive, process-oriented
    • Awareness is internal (focus is on breath and the infinite)
    • Limitless possibilities for growth in self-awareness

  • Exercise Benefits
    • Sympathetic Nervous System dominates
    • Cortical regions of brain dominate
    • Rapid forceful movements
    • Increased muscle tension
    • Higher risk of injury
    • Moderate to high caloric consumption
    • Effort is maximized
    • Fatiguing (breathing is taxed)
    • Imbalance activity of opposing groups
    • Competitive, goal-oriented
    • Awareness is external (focus is on reaching the toes, reaching the finish line, etc.)
    • Boredom factor

(info taken from

Becoming a better human being

Spiritual Tips cheatsheet created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Ten Nebula Empire

Tips for people to become healthier, better human beings
1. Use active prayer & clear intention to create your reality
2. Drink lots of water
3. Create a daily spiritual practice
4. Get daily exercise
5. Get monthly healing arts treatments/Alternative Medicine
6. Create an altar in your home and work space
7. Get clear about your dreamtime
8. Study the universal laws
9. Be pro-active in your shadow work (dealing with your ego)
10. Strive to become more of your authentic self
11. Spend 1-hour out in nature everyday
12. Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours) every night
13. Eat well. Eat foods that are healthy and whole.
14. Give to others on the monthly basis (i.e. donate, volunteer, karma yoga)

Tips for Alternative/Eastern Medicine/ Holistic Health Centers & Practitioners
1.Go Green – purchase recycle paper for the office, use green cleaning products, compost, & recycle

2. Encourage staff to cultivate a daily spiritual practice. Learn more

3. Have clear, transparent communication with the public – use websites, offer an info email address, use contact boxes,  have phone numbers, clear business hours, fax numbers, staff directory

4. Donate and support U.S. non-profits (with annual reports & seals) on the monthly or annual basis

5. Use social media to promote your work, centers, businesses, books, films, modalities, workshops, etc.

6. Encourage and support alternative medicine/ Eastern medicines to get clinical trials so they are more accepted by the American public (Ex: Dr. Michael Gregor -

7. Align with and use best business practices & protocols for safety & efficiency– like cameras, job acceptance letters, ADP, termination letters, etc.

Additional Resources - Learn more ways to heal yourself by visiting

Cultivating a Daily Spiritual Practice

( ) Why have a daily spiritual practice:
Having a daily spiritual practice helps us to
- stay grounded
- stay in peace
- be mindful
- be aware of ourselves
- stay healthy
- stay connected to our divine source and the truth of our experiences.
- clear and heal ourselves
- quiet the mind
- stay present
- hold more light

( )Your daily spiritual practice can be 5 minutes to 1 hour long. It can use sound, movement, stillness, and whatever else feels right to you. It can be done in the morning or in the evening but doing it in the morning helps you to prepare better for the day ahead. Your daily spiritual practice can be done alone, with a partner or in a group of like-minded people.

( ) Some practices we can use daily are:
1. prayerwork
2. yoga
3. meditation
4. altarwork
5. toning
6. singing
7. chanting
8. visualizations
9. stretching
10. walking
11. running
12. or anything that brings your peace and inner quiet

Learn more, visit "Spiritual Awareness: Cultivating A Daily Spiritual Practice" -

Recommended Books & Resources

1. Being Black: Zen and The Art of Living with Fearlessness and Grace by angel Kyodo williams
2. Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom by B. K. S. Iyengar
3. Yoga For Dummies by Georg Feuerstein
4. Bikram Yoga by Bikram Choudhury

Yoga Styles
anusara yoga -
bikram yoga -
jivamukti yoga-
Sivananda Yoga -
fearless yoga -
ashtanga yoga -
iyengar yoga -
Kundalini yoga -
Kripalu yoga -

Yoga Sites

Tools for Light Beings & Light Workers

Earth by Barbara Marciniak
The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin
Spiritual Growth by Sonaya Roman
The Mayan Oracle By Spilsbury & Bryner

Spiritual Books for Healing
Hands of Light By Barbara Brennan
You Can Heal your life By Louise May
The Amazing Power of Delibrate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts
The Power of Now by Erkhart Tolle
Change your mind and your life will follow by Karen Casey
Be Yourself by Mike Robbins
How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger

Ten Nebula works & contributions

The Ten Nebula Empire -
Ten Nebula Performance Arts -

Spiritual Teachers & Centers
NY Open Center -
Omega Institute -

Daily Messages of Inspiration

Learn more, visit "The Ten Nebula Resource Library" - 

Special Thanks to the Source

Thank You Goddess for my life
Thank You Goddess for my body
Thank You Goddess for my home
Thank You Goddess for my amazing work
Thank You Goddess for all my clients & fans
Thank You Goddess for all my successful businesses
Thank You Goddess for all my money
Thank You Goddess for my spiritual family & friends
Thank You Goddess for my health
Thank You Goddess for my courage
Thank You Goddess for being able to help others daily
Thank You Goddess for my path
Thank You Goddess for all the light & love in my life
Thank You Goddess for being me
Thank You Goddess to my past, present and future
Thank You Goddess for all that I am and all that I have
Ten nebula

Contact Me

Site created by Tanya Thomas (Ten Nebula)
The Basics of Yoga - 

Ten Nebula is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer.

Please feel free to contact me............
We offer phone sessions, healing treatments, group workshops and workshops.
I am also available to teach & facilitate workshops around the U.S.


Contact me:

Make time to "Like Us" on facebook

Find Ten nebula on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Linkedin, and Youtube.

Thank You to All Our Clients!!!!
Thank you for your business & support!!!!

Blessed be!!!!!